I had mentioned to Carolyn I was interested in going on a hike while I was in Austria - I heard the scenery was not to be missed. She found out about a toboggan slide/roller coaster located at the top of a mountain just outside of Graz. So on Monday, we hopped on a bus that took us 11 km outside of the city. We hiked up the mountain and found a great little surprise! The hike was no joke - it took us close to 2 hours, but I think it was well worth it. We went in the morning and it was a bit hazy, but the view really was beautiful - nothing like we could see in Houston!
on the ascent
Pivotal point of the hike...
before we realized how hard it was going to get :)
View from halfway up
Getting ready for the ride of our lives - ha!
Each car was separate and you could control the speed
by applying and releasing pressure on the handles
Literally on the mountain, super fun - we went twice
Y'all look to beautiful and glitzy to be hiking! Unbelievable photos - so gorgeous!